Course Listings

2025 Summer > UGRD > ANTH > ANTH 105

Introduction to Biological Anthropology

Course #: ANTH 105

The study of human biological evolution and human population variation. This course introduces the history, theory, and methods of research in biological anthropology through lectures and hands-on exercises. Major topics include: geological time, classification, and the place of humans in the animal world; evidence for primate and human evolution; evolutionary theory and genetics; and discussion of the evolutionary forces involved in producing human population variation. This course addresses, in assignments and during class time, the following general education capabilities: critical thinking; using technology to further learning; quantitative reasoning; collaborative work; and effective communication.

Section Class Number Schedule/Time Instructor Location
01 2409
Todd,Amy On-line course
Session: SS1 6W
Class Dates: 05/27/2025 - 07/10/2025
Capacity: 25
Enrolled: 0
Status: Open
Credits: 3/3
Class Notes:
Pre Requisites:
Course Attributes: Mid-Term Roster course, Natural Sciences, Stay On Track
02 2411
Todd,Amy On-line course
Session: SS2 6W
Class Dates: 07/14/2025 - 08/21/2025
Capacity: 25
Enrolled: 0
Status: Open
Credits: 3/3
Class Notes:
Pre Requisites:
Course Attributes: Mid-Term Roster course, Natural Sciences, Stay On Track
03 2415
Worley,Barbara On-line course
Session: SS3 13W
Class Dates: 05/27/2025 - 08/21/2025
Capacity: 25
Enrolled: 0
Status: Open
Credits: 3/3
Class Notes:
Pre Requisites:
Course Attributes: Mid-Term Roster course, Natural Sciences, Stay On Track